Faculty Name Dr. Avneesh Mishra
Father Name Shri Surya Narayan Mishra
Date of Birth 11/03/1985
Mobile Number 8299392785
E-mail avneesh@lbsdc.org.in
Designation Assistant Professor
Qualification/Subject M. Sc., M. Phil. D. Phil.
Papers Published in Journals National N.A
International 13
Books Edited N.A
Authored N.A
Chapters in Books N.A
Paper presentation in Conference/Seminar National 6
International 2
Seminar/Conference organized as Convener/ Org. Secretary National N.A
International N.A
Research Projects N.A
Ph.D. Supervised N.A
Ph.D. Enrolled N.A
Members in Academic Bodies Life Member, Indian Liquid Crystal Society, Bangalore (A Chapter of International Liquid Crystal Society, USA)
Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER, IJSRET & IJRP)
Members in Administrative Bodies
Honours and Awards Best Faculty Award by INSO- 2022