Faculty Name Dr. Sanjay Kumar Pandey
Father Name Dr. B. R. Pandey
Date of Birth 09/07/1965
Mobile Number 9415176625
E-mail SKPANDEY@lbsdc.org.in
Designation Professor
Qualification/Subject Ph. D.
Papers Published in Journals National 17
International 12
Books Edited 10
Authored N.A
Chapters in Books N.A
Paper presentation in Conference/Seminar National N.A
International 3
Seminar/Conference organized as Convener/ Org. Secretary National 2
International N.A
Research Projects 1
Ph.D. Supervised N.A
Ph.D. Enrolled N.A
Members in Academic Bodies Visiting Associate, I.U.C.A.A., Pune
Members in Administrative Bodies
Honours and Awards Two times Visited International Centre for Theoretical Physics (I.C.T.P.), Italy